
How much is shipping?

Shipping varies based on location and the number of items in your cart. To find out your exact shipping costs please proceed to checkout. Once you are at the checkout screen you will be prompted to enter your zip code. Based on this information, the system will automatically calculate your shipping cost.

How long will it take for me to receive my order?

Here are the estimated delivery times for the USPS
Domestic (US) Orders - 3 - 5 Business Days
International Orders - 7 - 10 Business Days.

If I haven’t received my order in a reasonable time, what do I do?

We are sincerely sorry to hear this and understand that this is unacceptable. The first step will be to track your order using the tracking number via the carrier website. After doing this if you are still unsuccessful please contact us and we will be more than willing to help you track down your package or resolve the issue.
 Email us at